AICAS 2024
Call for Special Session Proposals
The IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) 2024 organizing
committee cordially invites proposals for special sessions. AICAS 2024 will be organized in Abu Dhabi, United Arab
Emirates, April 22-25, 2024. Special sessions are integral to the conference's exploration of cutting-edge topics in
the field of Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems. We seek engaging sessions that delve into specific or cross-
cutting areas, encompassing algorithms, systems, microarchitectures, circuits, and technologies, which address
pressing AI challenges within CAS as well as emerging AI approaches for CAS.
Proposal Guidelines - Special sessions should feature between four to six speakers, in addition to an introductory
presentation by the organizers. To submit a proposal, kindly provide the following details:
- Title and Abstract of the Special Session: A clear and concise title along with an abstract describing the
proposed session's focus.
- Alignment with the theme (Circuits and Systems for Neuro-Inspired Cognitive and Learning Abilities) and
general topics of interest for AICAS (which include but are not limited to: Circuits and systems for AI; AI for
circuits and systems; Deep learning/machine learning/AI algorithms; Tools/platforms for AI; Architecture
for AI computing; Hardware/software co-design and design automation for AI systems; AI for electronic
design automation; AI for power electronics and energy conservation; Advanced neural network design;
Neuromorphic circuits, processors, and systems and their applications; Emerging applications: Internet-of-
things, healthcare, smart factories, environment; Emerging devices and materials for AI; Computer vision
algorithms and architectures; Recommender systems, language/text processing; Autonomous/unmanned
vehicles and drones; Robotics and automation; Metaverse and AR/VR; Deep learning/machine learning for
future wireless communications).
- Organizers: Names, affiliations, and contact information of the session organizers.
- Proposed Talks: A list of all intended talks, their respective speakers, and brief speaker biographies.
Please also list any co-authors involved.
- Contact Information: Contact details of the corresponding authors.
- Abstracts: A brief abstract for each presentation within the session.
Evaluation Criteria - Special session proposals will be evaluated based on several key factors:
- Timeliness: The relevance and timeliness of the proposed topic in the CAS and AI domains.
- Organizer and Speaker Quality: The track record and expertise of the session organizers and speakers.
- Session Coherence: The degree to which the proposed talks align and form a coherent session.
- Alignment with the general Theme and topics of the conference: The expected contribution of the
session to the overall technical program of the AICAS 2024 conference.
Important Dates
22 Dec 2023
Proposal Submission
29 Dec 2023
Notification of Acceptance
07 Jan 2024
Manuscript Submission ( for papers in approved sessions )
We look forward to receiving your proposals for timely and highly compelling special sessions at AICAS 2024 that
contribute to advancing the fusion of AI and CAS, shaping the future of intelligent systems.
For inquiries or to submit a special session proposal, please contact the Special Session Co-Chairs: